www.printableadventuregames.com offers you a new treasure hunt theme this month. Indeed, for October, we have put on the Halloween colours for the greatest pleasure of children, as well as adults. In order to organize a Halloween treasure hunt, discover our Halloween kits for 4 to 6 year olds and 7 to 10 year olds.
Organizing a Halloween treasure hunt is easy !
Once again, we have done everything in our power to offer you fun and entertaining treasure hunts. This is to allow you to organize a Halloween treasure hunt with maximum fun in a minimum of time. Once you have downloaded the Halloween Treasure Hunt, all you have to do is follow the guide, as the organizing guide included in the download kit is a two-page document only. It first summarizes the content of your purchase, the locations of the hiding places, and information about the mini-games and group games. But also on the procedure to follow to ensure that the treasure hunt runs smoothly. Then, the second page of the guide consists of two tables called (index tables). These organizational charts allow you to note in more detail where the clue was hidden in the house. This allows, for example, to prepare the treasure hunt in advance. Or to make sure you haven’t skipped any steps.

What does the Halloween treasure hunt kit printableadventuregames.com contain?
Here’s a quick reminder of what’s in our kit to help you organize a successful Halloween treasure hunt:
- A story of the past
- An organizing guide (rules of the game) + table of clues
- 2 birthday invitation templates (boy and girl)
- Fun group games (often cooperative) for snacks with friends
- Clues (8 to hide and 2 to give) that allow us to move forward in history
- 2 mini-games (e. g. mazes, manual activities, puzzles, etc.)
- Diplomas for boys and girls

Halloween treasure hunt kit to print
Also discover the detective adventure printing kit “Halloween Special”.
Our other Halloween themed games and products
Feel free to consult our catalogue of free Halloween themed games. We will be adding more throughout the month. They can also complete the treasure hunt if you wish !
Happy Halloween everyone ! 😉

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